Lucidly written by a leading biblical scholar, this balanced, engaging,and up-to date introduction to the Hebrew scriptures distills the best ofcurrent scholarship. Employing the narrative chronology of the Bible itself andthe history of the ancient Near East as a framework, author Michael Coogancovers all the books of the Hebrew Bible, along with the deuterocanonical booksincluded in the Bible used by many Christians. He treats every book of the canonwith careful attention to its historical context, its particular genre, and itsdistinctive features. Dealing in detail with ancient Near Eastern sources andarchaeological data, Coogan works from a primarily historical and criticalmethodology but also introduces readers to literary analysis and otherinterpretive strategies, especially current ones. The Old Testament: A Historical and Literary Introduction to the HebrewScriptures is enhanced by a glossary, timelines, photos, illustrations, maps,and a four-color insert on Jerusalem in biblical times. Strategically placedboxes address issues that often puzzle readers of the Bible, provide models ofinterpretation of particular texts, and discuss their significance for Judaismand Christianity. Each chapter includes key terms, questions for review anddiscussion, and suggestions for further reading. Providing a non-denominationaland non-doctrinal treatment, The Old Testament is accessible to students of allbackgrounds. It offers a unique and captivating introduction to the Hebrewscriptures themselves and to how they have been--and can be--interpreted.
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