Staring at the sun : being at peace with your own mortality; Irvin D. Yalom; 2020
Staring at the sun : being at peace with your own mortality; Irvin D. Yalom; 2020

Staring at the sun : being at peace with your own mortality

av Irvin D. Yalom

  • Utgiven: 2020
  • ISBN: 9780349426075
  • Sidor: 320 st
  • Förlag: Piatkus Books
  • Format: Häftad
  • Språk: Engelska

Om boken

Each person fears death in their own way. Despite turning to the comforts of children, or wealth, or belief in a higher power, death anxiety is never completely subdued: it is always there, lurking in the hidden ravines of our minds. In STARING AT THE SUN, master psychotherapist Irvin D. Yalom faces his own fear of death and examines its role in many patients' fears, stresses and depression. With characteristic wisdom and illuminating case histories, he shows how confronting and coping with death allows us to live in a richer, more compassionate way.

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Mer om Staring at the sun : being at peace with your own mortality (2020)

I september 2020 släpptes boken Staring at the sun : being at peace with your own mortality skriven av Irvin D. Yalom. Den är skriven på engelska och består av 320 sidor. Förlaget bakom boken är Piatkus Books.

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Referera till Staring at the sun : being at peace with your own mortality


Yalom, I. D. (2020). Staring at the sun : being at peace with your own mortality. Piatkus Books.


Yalom, Irvin D., Staring at the sun : being at peace with your own mortality (Piatkus Books, 2020).


Yalom, I. D. (2020). Staring at the sun : being at peace with your own mortality. Piatkus Books.


Yalom ID. Staring at the sun : being at peace with your own mortality. Piatkus Books; 2020.