Multipolar globalization : emerging economies and development
av Jan (university Of California Nederveen Pieterse (2017)
The Routledge companion to the environmental humanities
av Ursula K. Heise, Jon Christensen, Michelle Niemann (2017)
Organization as communication : perspectives in dialogue
av Steffen Blaschke, Dennis Schoeneborn (2017)
Digital technologies and learning in physical education : pedagogical cases
av Ashley Casey, Victoria A. Goodyear, Kathleen M. Armour (2017)
Challenging Southeast Asian development : the shadows of success
av Jonathan Rigg (2016)
Gender, development and globalization : economics as if all people mattered
av Lourdes Benería (2016)
Statistical Techniques in Geographical Analysis, Third Edition [Elektronisk resurs]
av Dennis Wheeler, Gareth Shaw, Stewart Barr (2015)