Patricia White

Här hittar du böcker skrivna av författaren Patricia White.
Critical Visions in Film Theory: Classic and Contemporary Readings; Timothy Corrigan, Patricia White, Meta Mazaj; 2011
av Timothy Corrigan, Patricia White, Meta Mazaj (2011)
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The Film Experience: An Introduction; Timothy Corrigan, Patricia White; 2009
1 säljare
av Timothy Corrigan, Patricia White (2009)
299 kr
The Film Experience; Patricia White, Timothy Corrigan; 2018
5+ säljare
av Patricia White, Timothy Corrigan (2018)
339 kr
The Film Experience plus LaunchPad access card: An Introduction; Timothy Corrigan, Patricia White; 2015
av Timothy Corrigan, Patricia White (2015)
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The Film Experience; Timothy Corrigan, Patricia White; 2004
av Timothy Corrigan, Patricia White (2004)
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The Film Experience; Timothy Corrigan, Patricia White; 2014
3 säljare
av Timothy Corrigan, Patricia White (2014)
359 kr