Laurence M. Harwood

Här hittar du böcker skrivna av författaren Laurence M. Harwood.
Experimental Organic Chemistry: Standard and Microscale; Laurence M. Harwood, Christopher J. Moody, Jonatha Percy; 1998
5+ säljare
av Laurence M. Harwood, Christopher J. Moody, Jonatha Percy (1998)
215 kr
Experimental Organic Chemistry; Philippa B. Cranwell, Laurence M Harwood, Christop Moody; 2017
4 säljare
av Philippa B. Cranwell, Laurence M Harwood, Christop Moody (2017)
589 kr
Nypris: 881 kr
Experimental Organic Chemistry; Philippa B. Cranwell, Laurence M Harwood, Christop Moody; 2017
av Philippa B. Cranwell, Laurence M Harwood, Christop Moody (2017)
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Organic Chemistry at a Glance; L. M. Harwood, John E. McKendrick, Roger Whitehead; 2004
endast ny
av L. M. Harwood, John E. McKendrick, Roger Whitehead (2004)
446 kr
Ord. pris: 469 kr
Polare Umlagerungen; Laurence M. Harwood; 1995
av Laurence M. Harwood (1995)
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Experimental Organic Chemistry; Philippa B Cranwell, Laurence M Harwood, Christopher J Moody; 2017
av Philippa B Cranwell, Laurence M Harwood, Christopher J Moody (2017)
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Experimental Organic Chemistry; Laurence M. Harwood; 1989
2 säljare
av Laurence M. Harwood (1989)
175 kr
Experimental Organic Chemistry; Laurence M. Harwood; 1999
av Laurence M. Harwood (1999)
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Experimental organic chemistry : principles and practice; Laurence M. Harwood; 1989
av Laurence M. Harwood (1989)
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