John Storey

Här hittar du böcker skrivna av författaren John Storey.
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture; John Storey; 2008
5+ säljare
av John Storey (2008)
179 kr
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture; John Storey; 2012
5+ säljare
av John Storey (2012)
119 kr
Territory; John Storey; 2001
2 säljare
Territory Upplaga 1
av John Storey (2001)
265 kr
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture; John Storey; 2018
5+ säljare
av John Storey (2018)
315 kr
Cultural theory and popular culture : a reader; John Storey; 1998
endast ny
av John Storey (1998)
442 kr
Ord. pris: 465 kr
Cultural studies and the study of popular culture; John Storey; 2010
endast ny
av John Storey (2010)
608 kr
Ord. pris: 639 kr
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture; John Storey; 2001
5+ säljare
av John Storey (2001)
100 kr
An introduction to cultural theory and popular culture; John Storey; 1998
av John Storey (1998)
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Inventing Popular Culture: From Folklore to Globalization; John Storey; 2003
1 säljare
av John Storey (2003)
319 kr
Nypris: 439 kr
Strategic human resource management : a reader; Christopher Mabey, Graeme Salaman, John Storey, Open Business School; 1998
av Christopher Mabey, Graeme Salaman, John Storey m.fl. (1998)
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From popular culture to everyday life; John Storey; 2014
4 säljare
av John Storey (2014)
169 kr
Cultural theory and popular culture : a reader; John Storey; 2019
av John Storey (2019)
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Cultural Theory and Popular Culture; John Storey; 2006
3 säljare
av John Storey (2006)
279 kr
The Cambridge companion to modern British culture; Michael Higgins, Clarissa. Smith, John Storey; 2010
endast ny
av Michael Higgins, Clarissa. Smith, John Storey (2010)
421 kr
Ord. pris: 443 kr
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture. A Reader; John Storey; 2006
av John Storey (2006)
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Cultural Theory and Popular Culture; John Storey; 2015
av John Storey (2015)
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Cultural Theory and Popular Culture; John Storey; 2006
av John Storey (2006)
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Human resource management - a strategic introduction; John Storey; 1998
endast ny
av John Storey (1998)
470 kr
Ord. pris: 494 kr
Strategic Human Resource Management; John Storey, Dave Ulrich, Patrick M. Wright; 2019
av John Storey, Dave Ulrich, Patrick M. Wright (2019)
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