Jeffrey Sachs

Här hittar du böcker skrivna av författaren Jeffrey Sachs.
Common Wealth - Economics for a Crowded Planet; Jeffrey Sachs; 2008
3 säljare
av Jeffrey Sachs (2008)
149 kr
The age of sustainable development; Jeffrey D. Sachs; 2015
5+ säljare
av Jeffrey D. Sachs (2015)
239 kr
Nypris: 517 kr
Common Wealth; Jeffrey Sachs; 2009
2 säljare
Common Wealth Upplaga 5
av Jeffrey Sachs (2009)
129 kr
Nypris: 155 kr
The Age of Sustainable Development; Jeffrey D Sachs; 2015
av Jeffrey D Sachs (2015)
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Age of Sustainable Development
                E-bok; Jeffrey D Sachs, Ban Ki-Moon; 2015
1 säljare
av Jeffrey D Sachs, Ban Ki-Moon (2015)
339 kr
Escaping the resource curse; Macartan Humphreys, Jeffrey Sachs, Joseph E. Stiglitz; 2007
endast ny
av Macartan Humphreys, Jeffrey Sachs, Joseph E. Stiglitz (2007)
280 kr
Ord. pris: 294 kr
The Asian Financial Crisis; Wing Thye Woo, Jeffrey Sachs, Klaus Schwab; 2000
av Wing Thye Woo, Jeffrey Sachs, Klaus Schwab (2000)
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Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet; Jeffrey Sachs; 2008
av Jeffrey Sachs (2008)
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New Economic Growth Engine For China, A: Escaping The Middle-income Trap By Not Doing More Of The Same; Wing Thye Woo, Ming Lu, Jeffrey David Sachs, Zhao Chen; 2012
endast ny
av Wing Thye Woo, Ming Lu, Jeffrey David Sachs m.fl. (2012)
548 kr
Ord. pris: 576 kr
Common wealth : economics for a crowded planet; Jeffrey D. Sachs; 2008
av Jeffrey D. Sachs (2008)
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The World Economy: Crisis and Transformation; Jeffrey Sachs; 2011
av Jeffrey Sachs (2011)
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