Gerry Stoker

Här hittar du böcker skrivna av författaren Gerry Stoker.
Theory and Methods in Political Science; Jon Pierre, Gerry Stoker, Marsh D.; 2002
5+ säljare
av Jon Pierre, Gerry Stoker, Marsh D. (2002)
119 kr
Theory and Methods in Political Science; Gerry Stoker; 2018
3 säljare
av Gerry Stoker (2018)
469 kr
Nypris: 540 kr
Theory and Methods in Political Science; David Marsh, Gerry Stoker; 1995
av David Marsh, Gerry Stoker (1995)
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Theory and Methods in Political Science; David Marsh, Gerry Stoker; 2010
av David Marsh, Gerry Stoker (2010)
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Nudge, Nudge, Think, Think; John Peter, Cotterill Sarah, Richardson Liz, Moseley Alice, Gerry Stoker, Wales Corinne, Graham Smith; 2013
av John Peter, Cotterill Sarah, Richardson Liz m.fl. (2013)
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Theory and Methods in Political Science; David Marsh, Gerry Stoker; 1995
av David Marsh, Gerry Stoker (1995)
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Theory and Methods in Political Science; David Marsh, Gerry Stoker; 1995
av David Marsh, Gerry Stoker (1995)
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Theory and Methods in Political Science; David Marsh, Gerry Stoker; 2002
av David Marsh, Gerry Stoker (2002)
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Nudge, Nudge, Think, Think; John Peter, Cotterill Sarah, Richardson Liz, Moseley Alice, Gerry Stoker, Wales Corinne, Graham Smith; 2011
av John Peter, Cotterill Sarah, Richardson Liz m.fl. (2011)
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