Gerald Graff

Här hittar du böcker skrivna av författaren Gerald Graff.
"They Say / I Say": The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing, with 2016 MLA Update and Readings; Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel K. Durst; 2017
av Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel K. Durst (2017)
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"They say / I say" : the moves that matter in academic writing; Gerald Graff; 2018
av Gerald Graff (2018)
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Beyond the Culture Wars; Gerald Graff; 1994
endast ny
av Gerald Graff (1994)
263 kr
Ord. pris: 276 kr
"They say / I say" : the moves that matter in academic writing; Gerald Graff; 2024
av Gerald Graff (2024)
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'They Say / I Say'; Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein; 2024
endast ny
av Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein (2024)
332 kr
Ord. pris: 349 kr
'They Say / I Say'; Cathy Birkenstein, Gerald Graff; 2024
endast ny
av Cathy Birkenstein, Gerald Graff (2024)
437 kr
Ord. pris: 459 kr
They Say / I Say; Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel (EDT) Durst; 2024
av Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel (EDT) Durst (2024)
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"They say/I say" : the moves that matter in academic writing; Gerald Graff; 2014
av Gerald Graff (2014)
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They say / I say : the moves that matter in academic writing; Gerald. Graff; 2014
av Gerald. Graff (2014)
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They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing with Readings; Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst; 2018
av Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst (2018)
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They Say / I Say with Readings: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing; Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein; 2021
av Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein (2021)
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"They say / I say" : the moves that matter in academic writing; Gerald Graff; 2021
av Gerald Graff (2021)
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They Say / I Say with Readings; Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst; 2021
av Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst (2021)
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They Say/I Say; Gerald Graff; 2007
av Gerald Graff (2007)
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"They say / I say" : the moves that matter in academic writing; Gerald Graff; 2021
av Gerald Graff (2021)
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