Christopher Breward

Här hittar du böcker skrivna av författaren Christopher Breward.
The Culture of Fashion; Christopher Breward; 1995
5+ säljare
av Christopher Breward (1995)
125 kr
Nypris: 286 kr
Fashion; Christopher Breward; 2003
Fashion Upplaga 1
av Christopher Breward (2003)
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Fashion's World Cities; Christopher Breward, David Gilbert; 2006
5+ säljare
av Christopher Breward, David Gilbert (2006)
229 kr
Nypris: 611 kr
Fashion and Modernity; Caroline Evans, Christopher Breward; 2005
endast ny
av Caroline Evans, Christopher Breward (2005)
437 kr
Ord. pris: 459 kr
The Englishness of English Dress; Christopher Breward, Becky Conekin, Caroline Cox; 2002
endast ny
av Christopher Breward, Becky Conekin, Caroline Cox (2002)
665 kr
Ord. pris: 699 kr
Fashion and Modernity; Caroline Evans, Christopher Breward; 2005
endast ny
av Caroline Evans, Christopher Breward (2005)
1955 kr
Ord. pris: 2057 kr
Fashion's World Cities; Christopher Breward, David Gilbert; 2006
endast ny
av Christopher Breward, David Gilbert (2006)
2346 kr
Ord. pris: 2469 kr
The culture of fashion : a new history of fashionable dress; Christopher Breward; 1995
av Christopher Breward (1995)
Tillfälligt slut
The Englishness of English Dress; Christopher Breward, Becky Conekin, Caroline Cox; 2002
endast ny
av Christopher Breward, Becky Conekin, Caroline Cox (2002)
2013 kr
Ord. pris: 2118 kr